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Type checking your classes

The next step up from functions, unsurprisingly, is classes. Fortunately type checking classes is very straightforward: Just add hints to the methods for the most part and you'll be good.

Here's an example class, that just implements a stack of numbers:

class Stack:
    def __init__(self):
        self._values = []

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Stack{self._values!r}'

    def push(self, value):

    def pop(self):
        if len(self._values) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Underflow!')

        return self._values.pop()

stack = Stack()


popped_value = stack.pop()
print("Popped value:", popped_value)

Running the code, you can see that the stack gets values put into it and popped out of it. If you pop on an empty stack, you'll get an Underflow error.

Let's see what mypy says about it, and add type annotations as necessary:

First off, mypy complains about a lot of untyped definitions. The functions need annotation. And before you do that, think about this:

def __init__(self):

What should the type of self be?

Since it's an object of the Stack type, it would make sense to do:

def __init__(self: Stack) -> None:

Right? Well, kindof. The problem then arises when you try to subclass Stack into some other type:

class SubStack(Stack):

Since the __init__ method is inherited, and self is supposed to be of type Stack, mypy would thinkg SubStack creates objects of Stack type. Clearly that won't work.

To avoid problems with inheritence, mypy decided that self does not need to be given a type annotation. You must leave the first argument of a method untyped.

So our annotations look something like this:

def push(self, value: int) -> None:

Here's what the class looks like after annotating the function signatures:

class Stack:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._values = []

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'Stack{self._values!r}'

    def push(self, value: int) -> None:

    def pop(self) -> int:
        if len(self._values) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Underflow!')

        return self._values.pop()

Although looking at mypy's output, it still isn't sure about some things. Can you guess why?

It's because of the empty list instantiation inside __init__. Mypy needs to know what kinds of items you want to be in the list. The second error stems from the same fact: Since mypy doesn't know what the type of self._values is, it can't determine what self._values.pop() should return.

To fix that, replace the definition with this:

self._values: list[int] = []

And now we have fully annotated a class. Wasn't it really easy? That's pretty much how it goes with mypy, 90% of your work is adding types to function definitions, and mypy takes care of validating the rest.

Aside: exceptions

Notice the definition of pop in the Stack class:

    def pop(self) -> int:
        if len(self._values) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Underflow!')

        return self._values.pop()

In case of an underflow, the function raises an exception. The function doesn't return an int in that case. So you might think that the type signature isn't fully correct: Sometimes we return int, but sometimes we don't. And yet mypy is fully convinced that the signature is perfectly good. Why is that?

Take this code for example:

def only_evens(number: int) -> int:
    if number % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("Not even!")

    return number

number = 2
even_number = only_evens(number)
print(even_number, "is an even number.")

Mypy says the function is okay. The code also works, but if you change number to be 3, we can see that the code crashes. What's going on?

Turns out, mypy is right (and almost always, it will be). When only_evens raises an error, the normal execution of the code stops, and the error is propagated up to the user. Which means that if number is odd, because of the raised error, even_number variable will never be created.

The important thing to note about this code snippet is this: If even_number is ever created, it is guaranteed to be an int. So the return type of the function is accurate. Whenever the function returns a value, it is 100% guaranteed to be int. The types are correct.